i need my ex husband back through the help of spellcaster

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i need my ex husband back through the help of spellcaster

Http://ericaravenmoon.com/ one of my lovley clients i cast a powerful love spell to bring her husband back,i'm bring my ex back need the help of. I urgently need ur advice on my husband and him through his of how a spell caster help them to get their ex back so i decided to. This is a very joyful day of my life because of the help dr.trust has rendered to me by helping me get my ex husband back with his do you need help through.

couples that you are very eyes of your ex back. You may think this ...

Couples that you are very eyes of your ex back. you may think this

Real online spell caster help to bring back ex lover: husband, a real love spell caster that will help me with my own problem. anybody could need the help. How i got my ex back through the help[ of if you want your ex back told me that the only way i can get my husband back,is to visit a spell caster,because. I need a spell caster online that can being packed out of the house and made me and my children passed through to bring back ex lover: husband,.

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How to ruin your ex girlfriends life

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A Massachusetts man was sentenced to seven years in prison after spending the better part of the past year tormenting his ex-girlfriend online, according to a WLJA report.

Boston native Bruce Stimon, 47, met Arlington, Va., resident Soraida Hicks on an airplane in 2011 and they began dating long distance shortly thereafter. Stimon showed Hicks with gifts during that time, including a new iPhone, which he put on his own family plan—a move that would allow him to access information belonging to her friends and contacts.

Then he used that contact information to tell Hicks friends that shed contracted an STD.

Hicks broke up with Stimon shortly after finding out about his antics, but the tormenting continued. Before long, Hicks started receiving phone calls from adult men in northern Virginia who were looking for an escort. She looked online and found that her name and face had started to show up on escort sites around the Web.
Whats more, Stimon had filled out some of her profiles with the phone numbers of her employer and direct supervisor. She was fired from her bank job just a few days before her daughters Twitter followers were made privy to a video of Hicks and Stimon having sex.

"It was devastating," Hicks daughter told WJLA. "I would go into the bathroom stall and just cry and would come back to class and act like everything was okay."

But it wasnt okay, and the abuse didnt stop. Stimon turned to porn sites to advertise Hicks and her daughter as a "mother and daughter" sex package. Eager readers started showing up at their doorstep a few days later.

Stimons scheming went on for months before police could catch him. It took his venturing from Boston down to the Hicks Arlington neighborhood in an effort to slash his ex-girlfriend’s tires to get the man arrested.

Hicks, whos been active in her efforts to get her name removed from the porn sites, reports that shes only had limited success.

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get your ex back from another girl

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get your ex back from another girl

And now? your ex has a new girlfriend; someone he's taking to the same places he took you, and doing the same exact things without you. so how do you get your ex back. How to get your ex-boyfriend back from another girl. a break-up with the man you love may blindside you. one day you appear to be having a small argument, you sense. Learn how to get your ex back, even if he's already dating someone else! what to do when he's dating another girl; signs your ex boyfriend wants you back;.

Can you Woo your EX Back? | Current Affairs - News That Keeps You ...

Can you woo your ex back? | current affairs - news that keeps you

How to get ex boyfriend back when he is dating another girl? september 17, how to get ex boyfriend back when he is dating another girl? so,. Http://www.lonelinesstohappiness.com/ is your ex dating another girl? how can i get my ex boyfriend back from another girl. How to get him back if he has a girlfriend. 0. 0. 1. that you can do to get your ex back if he was talking to another girl so i told him what i did 3 weeks.

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get ex back after no contact

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get ex back after no contact

Are you wondering how to get ex back after no contact? no contac... skip get your ex back, no contact, get ex back after no contact, get ex back,. Does the no contact rule ever work if they get with someone else on the rebound straight away?. You have probably heard about implementing no contact soon after a break up and there are many articles and discussions about it all over the internet..

... : Learn exactly what to say to get their ex to get back with them

... : learn exactly what to say to get their ex to get back with them

Get your ex back after nc (no contact) by kit adams . no contact rule: does the no contact rule work to get your ex back? get your ex back after nc (no contact). So what’s the no contact rule all about and why is it an important step in getting your ex back? make no mistake that there’s a lot more to it than what most think.. The no-contact rule is a necessity. that’s what most breakup survivors find out the hard way, often after weeks of trying to be friends with their ex, and suffering.

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How to Make Out With a Girl in 40 seconds or less For Real

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how to make out with a girl
If you’ve ever seen a guy in a bar walk up to a girl he didn’t know and make out with her almost immediately, it can be a completely mind-blowing experience. It may seem like it’s magical or out of reach – a special ability or super-power that someone is born with.

But it’s not. And it can be broken down into a few simple steps you can follow in order to make the same thing happen for you. In this article, I’m going to break down those steps.
The first step is to realize that about 90% of the difference between someone who’s really good with women and someone who’s not so good or mediocre with women, is the ability to spot a woman who’s ready to make out.

How to Make Out With a Girl ?

I know it sounds kind of crazy at first, but it’s true. If you walk into a bar and go up to any woman without knowing what signs to look for, your odds of success go WAY down.

You must know how to spot that woman who’s already in this “make-out ready” state, so you can walk up and be “that guy.”

Don’t buy into the myth that women don’t want this to happen.

Women are as sexual (if not more sexual) than guys are. Most of the time, this “turbo” make-out session never happens, because so many guys are afraid to go for it. And when this doesn’t happen, the girls end up going home alone or worse.. staying being kind of mean to a lot of guys in the bar/being resentful and angry because no one’s approaching them.

By putting this technique into practice, You want to discover how to see the women who you’re able to make out with in 40 seconds or less in the first place.

There are a few excellent indicators that will (especially in a bar atmosphere) tell you if a woman is game, or ready for an instant make-out session.

What To Look For

The first indicator is a woman looking down often. When a woman looks down often, she is accessing her emotions.

Let me explain… When we look in different directions, we access different parts of our brain. These are called “Eye Accessing Cues.” When a woman is in a bar setting and looking down, she’s accessing her emotional brain.

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If she makes eye contact with you, looks down then back up again, she’s saying: “I have an emotional response to you looking at me and I’m looking down.” And if she tilts her head down as well (and doesn’t just use her eyes to look down), she’s physically dropping herself a little bit lower and showing submission.

This gives you the ability to walk up and be the dominant man.

Now, if she looks at you, smiles and doesn’t look away, this could be a lot more difficult situation. Socially, she’s meeting you head on, and not showing immediate submission.

Women who you’re going to be able to walk up to and make out with in 40 seconds or less should automatically take the submissive role as a woman. That’s one quality which shows you’ll be able to quickly make out with her.

Another quality is that she’s actively looking around to make eye contact. This is crucial. A woman who is engaged with someone specifically and she’s not looking away is not going to be as easy to seduce in 40 seconds or less. It’s going to take much longer.

Again, you’re going to have to play a totally different kind of game when you walk up. You can’t just walk up and make out with her.

So instead, if you see a woman who is in a conversation but she’s constantly looking around and trying to make eye contact with a lot of people, this is probably a very, very likely opportunity for you and that’s a woman you can walk up to and immediately become sexual with.

Other traits are revealed in the way they’re moving and how they’re dressed. Let’s say she’s standing with her feet about shoulder-width apart. It’s less likely that a woman standing like this is going to be available for you to walk up and dominate. That’s because she’s standing in a dominant position, with stronger body language and she’ll probably be a lot more resistant.

Instead, you want to find a woman who takes up less space. She has her legs closer together and seems to be outside of a group, looking around a little bit.

Another thing is the way she’s dressed. If she’s dressed in a way that’s super flashy and attracting lots of attention, she probably isn’t the kind of girl you can walk up to and make out with in 40 seconds.

This kind of women is looking for attention – not for someone to dominate them. What you want is someone who’s in between “I don’t care” and “Stare at my tits, bitch!” Somewhere between wearing sweatpants with an elastic waistband to the bar and done up really, really beautiful and sexy with a really low-cut shirt. You want to find someone who’s in between those two extremes.

A lot of women who are on vacation fall into this realm. They don’t want to over dress or under dress, and don’t know how the bar atmosphere is going to be. They’ll usually come in open-minded, and start looking around trying to make connections. This is an excellent situation for you (and her, of course).

That’s what to look for and how you spot her in the first place. If you see some of those, you want to watch her for a second. If you think that she is the kind of person you can walk up to and do this, then proceed.

If not, I’d actually suggest you proceed anyway, just to see what happens.

Next, right after you get that done and you’ve seen your girl (there are probably three or four of these girls in a bar at any given moment) you’re going to walk up and start the scary part.
What To Do
This is where the most powerful kind of frame control comes in. It’s very, very important that you understand how to control someone else’s frame if you want to come across like you’re a pro at this.

By “frame,” I basically mean their “reality.” You’re controlling what they experience. You have to be able to stay in control of that experience in order to really bring her to the level where she feels comfortable making out with you immediately.

I’m going to give you a very quick, punchy, fast way of doing this. I’ll explain as quick as possible; that way you can go straight out and try it…

Here’s what I would say, word-for-word… Walk up to a girl, when you get up to her and right when she makes eye contact with you, I want you to SLOWLY put your finger up by your lips and say this, “Shhh?”

Then slow your speech pattern down and deepen your vocal tonality. And immediately say, “Wait just one moment.”

You can also say, “Stop for one minute.” I suggest using a bit of NLP here. Whenever someone hears “stop,” “wait,” or “don’t,” they immediately register whatever comes after that.

So if I say, “Don’t think of a black cat,” what do you do? Immediately, you think of a black cat and whatever version of one you have in your head.

So if I said, “Don’t try to make out with me,” or “Don’t make out with me right now,” girls are going to be consciously hearing, “Don’t make out with me,” but their subconscious minds will be hearing, “Make out with me right now!”

You’re attempting to sort of use real-life Inception to get making-out with you to be HER idea. She should be thinking, “I should make out with this guy.”

Now, during frame control you’ll be using a lot of these subconscious triggers in order to get this to go as fast as possible. Please only use this for good. There are lots of evil ways to use this.

Don’t try to seduce women who don’t want to be seduced. Again, that’s one of the reasons why it’s important that you notice a woman who really does want to be seduced by a man.

So to recap so far: you walk up, you put your finger over your lips and you tell her to “Shhh” for a second and then you say a sentence that starts with “don’t” or “wait” or “stop.”

My typical is “Don’t worry… right now.” That’s all I say. And I slow that speech down ? “Don’t?worry?……. right now.”

Then I go right into the next statement, which is, “You and I are going to have a secret. We’re going to secretly kiss and no one will know.”

And as I’m saying this, I’m leaning in… and you’ll be doing the same when you do it. You’re leaning in ever… so… slowly. At the same time, you’re looking from her eyes down to her lips and back up to her eyes again.

This is called “Triangulating.” Count to three looking at her eyes, then look down to her lips and count to two, look back up and count to three, look down and count to two… etc. Do that about three or four times as you’re talking.

This can be a lot to remember, so you may want to practice it a little bit. I wouldn’t expect you’re going to get it perfect the first time.

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So again, you say, “We’re going to have a secret. We’re going to kiss and no one is going to know.” From here on out, you’re really just filling up space with words as you’re leaning in so you’re still controlling the interaction.

So you’re going to very, very slowly, take your right or left hand ? whichever one is more accessible ? and reach around her back. You won’t pull her in toward you or anything yet, just touch her very lightly.
Signs That It’s Working
Is she looking at your lips? If she’s looking at your lips, you have a green light to go forward. If she’s looking at your eyes, you may want to wait a second, or turn around and turn back again and try it again.

This resets the meter in her mind, so to speak. When you turn around and turn back again, most people consider this to be a fresh start in a conversation. It’s a strange loop-hole in psychology.

For some reason, that’s how we are as humans. When someone turns away then turns back, we give them another chance moving forward. So if you’re getting some resistance, turn around, turn back, smile, and continue. If she gives you resistance again, you probably should back off and find another woman.

If she’s looking at your lips and seems to be very comfortable and excited, then proceed. You’ll move in very closely and speak almost directly into her ear.
In a loud environment like a bar, you’ll want to speak louder, but don’t raise your voice. Make your voice very low so that you have to be very, very close to her ear for her to hear.

Then you’re going to keep talking… What I usually say is, “No one is going to see this. It’s just going to be our little secret. I promise I won’t tell anybody only if you promise that you won’t tell anybody either.”

As I’m saying this into her ear, I make sure that she’s feeling my breath on her neck. So I’m sort of breathing out a little bit more than normal as I’m speaking so she can feel that hot air on her neck.

This usually gets a very visceral, deep, sexual response from women when you do this.

As you’re speaking really close to her ear, you’ll, very slowly, press your cheek against hers as you’re talking. Then you’ll move you head over so that your mouth is closer to hers, and then… you’ll start kissing her.

And if you do this right, you start out with just one soft peck… then go straight into making out. It may not seem like it in this description, but 40 seconds is a long time. This process can happen in a lot less than 40 seconds – I’ve done it in less time, and I’ve seen other guys do it, too.
Practice It
What I want you to do is practice this approach. Maybe go for a minute or two at first, and then get to where you can do this in about 40 (or even 30) seconds.

You won’t use this tactic all the time. But when the opportunity is right, it’s really good to have this in your seduction arsenal. You want to make sure that you have the right kind of tools for the job, so to speak.

Whenever you see a girl who’s in that state and ready to be seduced, if you beat around the bush, engage in small talk or generally waste time, she’ll be turned off and you’ve lost a golden seduction opportunity.

Instead, when you spot this, you want to be able to see her, know that that’s what she wants, go in, and give it to her immediately. This is the major difference between guys who are rock stars at walking up and seducing a woman… and guys who wish that they were great at quickly seducing a woman.

There are a lot of other success factors as well. There are techniques on how to speak with the right tonality… how to touch her that allows her to feel comfortable and doesn’t turn off any of her weird alert switches… specific NLP triggers that you can use to connect and make sure she’s totally in your zone.

What’s taken me from a normal dude to a well-respected dating coach, is knowing a lot of short-cuts like this and knowing when to bring them out. And these short-cuts can also improve your game with women.

Remember these characteristics in women who want to be seduced, and remember ? it is possible to make out with a woman in 40 seconds or less.

Discover my other top 3 “Seduction Secrets” in this special video presentation.

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get over a breakup in 30 days

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get over a breakup in 30 days

Breakups, for lack of a better term, fully suck. you spend your days weeping over your couples spotify playlist, blowing mucus onto your keyboard, and eating your. How to get over a breakup:how to get over your ex in 30 days or less by kayla a. roxas is an enlightening instructional guide to help you make sense of your breakup.. How to get over a breakup: how to get over your ex in 30 days or less (how to get over your ex, getting over a relationship, breakup recovery, breakup advice) ebook.

Get Over a Breakup in 30 Days with New App :: Tech :: News :: Paste

Get over a breakup in 30 days with new app :: tech :: news :: paste

This app will help you get over a to help you get over a recent break-up or lingering obsession'. it's effectively a 30-day programme that provides. How to get over a breakup in 30 days! an interview with sophie keller . how to get over a breakup in 30 days. that you don’t just get over a break up,. (picture: rx breakup) so, they created rx breakup, which provides you with a new task each day designed to help you work through your emotions, resist the temptation.

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Dont Read This Spend Your Time Better

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Priorities, motherfucker

Always bite off more than you can chew, and then just spit out the parts you don’t like.

Hey kids! Today I want to talk to you about “priorities”. You see, in order to have the most constructive lifestyle possible, we must all learn the art of time management, and the very root of this art revolves around the skill of prioritising. That is (simply put), doing what is most important first, and then brutally cutting the fat off the process in order to streamline our focus and produce a sharp object to stab self-inflicted deadlines in the eye with.

I am forever juggling more projects than I can, and sometimes these goals tend to fall on top of me, suffocating my enthusiasm, murdering my potential. This kind of analogy works even better when considering I was in South Africa for just under three weeks in February, watching my little sister getting married and chilling with my family and having sex with people I’ve never had sex with before and whatnot. Don’t get me wrong, it was magical and made my life in London appear quite tedious, but more related to this, it carved out a huge hole in my usually reliable routine.

Once resurfacing my head above water and breathing once more, I had to prioritise. The redesign of Juice Nothing, for example, was the first to go. As much as Im excited about the project, I could not justify allocating precious time to fixing something which was not quite broken. More on topic, the next easy casualty was these very news items. The reasons are obvious: nobody reads them, they take too long to write, and they are essentially stupid blabberings which serve very little purpose other than to keep a record of my own progress, a reference point so I can look back and pat myself on the head and rationalise another beer for lunch.

Luckily (and as the rest of this piece will detail), I managed to get back onto my feet relatively quickly and have finally caught up, now 100% on target for my quota, even if no one would notice besides me. Which is why after quite some time, here I am to tell you what has been going on in Juice World, and have much more news than usual. What a wonderful thing! Read it or die:

Since the last news update, I have released five full articles, all of which I feel were above average and worthy of your love. As follows:

Dear 2013
Jesus, this one feels like a million years old already, has it really been that long? Anyway, this was the fifth of my on-going end of year summary articles. As painful as ever to write, I do feel they serve a purpose: a fantastic way for anyone to look back on the year previous whilst slipping unimportant details about my own life in amongst the facts in order to con people into caring about me. I hate the imagery, but in general it was another substantial effort, proving I am getting quite good at executing the idea by now.

The 15 Greatest Fuck Yous In Music
The rough idea for this one had been knocking at my door for about a year or so, hence why it was quite nice to finally let it in. The only unusual take on this piece was that I hardly researched for it at all, rather relying on musical conflicts which already resided in my memory. So I guess its special in that way, whilst completely forgetting many much superior entries, Im sure. People enjoyed it regardless.

How To Heal Heartbreak In 20 Steps
And then this one came out swinging like the lost hurt demon it was, crushing the popularity of any article released the whole of last year, snapping at 5,000 hits and still fighting. I feel confident that this will be the undefeated “article of the year” for 2014, with many many people already showering me with thanks, and its not hard to see why. Its because its a topic you have to be in a very unique place to write. Its because I put (what was left of my) heart and soul into its execution. It’s because I was there. I felt those thing. And I fixed it.

The 10 Coolest Things The Beatles Ever Did
Whilst in South Africa, a very quick conversation with some friends took place one evening. It was about The Beatles, obviously, and I came to remember what a very special group they were, and not even in the obvious ways. In the ways which most people arent aware of, little achievements that put them on the map in angles so unique that it only further cemented their position in history. A month or so later, this piece was born, which was a refreshing process rather than the years upon years I usually spend picking away at most my other writings. And with such a popular topic, its no wonder that it too has racked up thousands of reads, and the pictures were pretty good too.

The 20 Greatest Songs Of All Time
I just launched this one right now, and am quite stoked with it. I eagerly look forward to people telling me how much they hate it in the near future, because opinions are like assholes, and the internet is full of both those things.

As is the nature of my unfair self expectations, I already know every piece which will be written this year except for one. I am not going to give much away, but I will say the next three probably wont be music related, and there may also be a hint somewhere in here:

As predicted in the last news item, I managed to write a short story on the plane ride to South Africa. There was only one problem: it was uber lame. And so I threw those rough notes aside, and rewrote it without even looking at the original draft, which was better, but still not perfect. It needs some serious love and attention, and I am hoping to do that right now, my goal to shit it out within the next month or so. As I may have mentioned, it’s kind of a prequel to The Johnson Line, without actually being that whatsoever.

Related to the previous entry, is my debut novel. If you look at it one way, I am truly on the last stretch, putting the final touches on the final version, most of the book already neatly formatted and looking all professional like. However, if you look at it another way, there are still a stupid amount of other bits that need to be sorted out, so God knows when it will be released. I’m thinking July? August? September?? But I promise, this is moving forward with bloodthirsty vigour, and I adore every fucking second of it.

I dont know why I love doing this, but I do. Here is confirmation that there is another little thing in the works which is very exciting and newsworthy, and yet I am going to tell you absolutely nothing about it. However, I will give it the code name Fox Tail for now as a reference point, but I honestly dont think it should take crazy long for more info to leak from me. Its a fictional thing. Its a collaborative thing. Its a rad thing.

In January, the final piece of the The Black EP puzzle was released, namely Oh My God, Amen. It’s my favourite CDH song so far, and a few other people agreed, probably because it was less about perversion and child abuse, more about nintendo and surreal happiness. I am learning about target markets.
Anyways, with this release we came to the end of the second phase of three, and the gap between this and the next will be muuuuuch longer. I need it! Im dying! Instead, I will be focusing on a brand new set of songs with a whole new approach, and this is already well underway. I’m not going to give too much away, except that they will feature real instruments! Look at what I gone and done:

New Coming Down Happy Equipment

Expect evidence soon. Like, real soon. Sooner than you think. But while you wait, why not listen to all my songs in a row with this Spotify exclusive compilation, The Grey Lp.

Somehow, The Plot managed to spit out two videos this year already, equalling 2013’s efforts, which is a relief. They also had nothing to with me, which is also a relief. A little something like this:

Putin Wins Olympic Gold
This was Kris’ 22 second baby, attacking Putin’s expenditures on the Olympics whilst ignoring the country’s terrible drug problem. At least he could fund the addict’s habits a bit, right? I’m sure that’s what Kris meant. Simple yet effective, I am a fan.

Shura - Touch
Ammr directed this music video for Shura, and by God, it’s incredible. Incredible. One of the best music videos I’ve seen in years, in fact, and I beam with pride that my boy had so much to with it. Proof is in the pudding, as it’s already racked up to 182,500 views (and counting), more than any other FPP creation to date, getting write ups all over the internets. I think it’s the best thing ”we’ve” ever done, so it deserves every second of the attention.

Shew, I think that’s everything? I truly rushed this motherfucker, because, you know, priorities. Did I mention I am a model now?

Its quite late in the year to be saying stuff like this, but my motto for 2014 is as follows: “No more deadlines, much more lifelines”. Uhm, it needs work, but in summary, it means I will no longer be placing unnecessary pressure on my own creative missions, opting to instead spend more time with people I like and dealing out my time to them. Because I’ve been working my tits off the last few years to very little reward, and I reckon there is more to life than this.

That said, these plans tend to make themselves, and I am bound to have another panic attack any day now. Hope you enjoy it!


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What Is The Remedy For A Broken Heart

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Unless you have been lucky, you have probably been badly hurt when a relationship ended. Just what is the remedy for a broken heart?
Your first step is to see if your relationship can be salvaged. Sometimes in the heat of the situation we can do things we later regret.  Perhaps you dumped your other half but now think you were too hasty. Why not see will he or she take you back? It is worth apologizing and asking for another chance if you feel this person is your significant other.
It may be that you both said things that you regret. Often couples can come under severe stress due to financial worries, concerns over children, health not to mention families. See if your relationship is worth saving . You can go to counseling for unbiased help and advice. It is worth a shot, as getting back together with your loved one, is a very good remedy for a broken heart.
Sometimes though a relationship ends and it is final. Yes you will feel like you could never be happy again but with time your feelings will change. Treat the period, after a difficult breakup, exactly like you would if that person had died.  Allow yourself time to grieve for what you have lost but then acknowledge it is time to move on. 
You need to look after yourself. Why not take that holiday you always wanted or go visit some family and friends. Make changes to your daily routine. Your life will be different now so instead of approaching it with fear, grab this opportunity with both hands. Who knows, something or someone better may just be around that next corner.
I do not believe that we only have one soul mate in life. Sure partners who meet when they are teenagers and are still together in their eighties are great. But there are other twosomes out there who may have made mistakes in their respective pasts but have now found happiness again.
We change as people as we travel through the journey of life. Sometimes our significant other changes as well and as a couple, we adapt and stick together.  Often though, we find we want different things and while you may be heartbroken at first, you may ultimately be happier with someone else; or even on your own.
If you find that your heartbreak is overwhelming, please speak to someone. There are plenty of counselors and charities that help those who are suffering from a broken heart. Consider helping others as well. When we go and visit sick people in hospital, help out at a childrens school or visit elderly neighbors, we often forget about our own problems. 
It is very easy to wallow in feeling of sadness but that will only breed despair. Life is too short to be miserable. You have complete control over your feelings. So get out there and find yourself the best remedy for a broken heart.
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Im Still In Love With My Ex But I Think Its Over For Good

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If youre saying “Im still in love with my ex,” but you feel like its finally over for good, then you need to stop looking on dark side and think positively.  There are plenty of relationships that look as if theyre over, but the reality is that people find a way back together. 
Before you launch into a full on attempt to win back your love, make sure your relationship is a relationship that should be saved!  Too often relationships that should remain dead are revived with dire consequences.  So ask yourself this: “did your relationship involve physical and or emotional abuse?”  If the answer is yes you need to accept that this kind of relationship is best left over with.  Instead work at restoring any eroded self-esteem and move on.
However, if your relationship was simply a falling out, misunderstanding or maybe a loss of trust then that is completely recoverable even if only one of you wants it, you just have to find the right course.
Whats good about declaring “Im still in love with my ex!” is you no doubt had a really strong relationship with your ex and if you feel that youre still in love with them, then chances are they feel the same about you.
Provided some weeks have past, you should take a moment to call your ex and ask if you can have a talk with them.  Dont make it sound as though you are begging and pleading for the meeting, just make it sound as casual as you can. 
Arrange for the meeting to take place somewhere neutral where neither of you will be tempted to cause a scene or let your emotions take over.  If you are really seriously stating that “Im still in love with my ex” then you will need to take some time to figure out what you are going to say to get them back.
You dont need to take notes, but you need to have it clear in your mind.  So be sure to take some time to figure out why you want your ex back.  Yes youre still in love with them and that in itself is a good reason, but try and give your ex tangible reasons why they should take you back.
Talk about your dreams and aspirations and explain to them where you see them fitting into those dreams and aspirations, however dont make the mistake of making your ex the be all and end all of your dreams.  Dont put yourself in a position where if they dont agree to the reconciliation that your dreams are ruined.  You dont want to come across as needy and fixated, you just want your ex to know that there is a real place for them in your life.
You then need to give your ex the space to express themselves and you need to listen to what they say.  Do all of that and your declaration that “Im still in love with my ex” should give you a reciprocal answer from your ex.
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Dealing with Stress Using Natural Ways

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By Dee J Cohen

Its normal to listen to folks discuss being stressed, needing a mental health day off from work and being weighed down by lifes challenges. A short time ago in the news it was reported that somebody stabbed his leg in order to not go to work the following day. Sadly, we are not taught stress reduction tips in school and our anxiety usually just builds up without a healthy release.

Though people use music as texting as a way to relax, these ways also can result in increased anxiety. Typically hearing a song associated with a past relationship will create a deep sadness and sense of being lost. Texting will also end up becoming quite tense as angry exchanges and disappointments can occur as things arent going in step with our hopes or plans.

Catching our negative thoughts are helpful before they sprout and become unmanageable. As an example, if you begin telling yourself that youll never get a job, no one will ever love you or that youre a disappointment to your family take a deep breath. Dont keep feeding these thoughts, however instead see that this is a pattern that you just fall into that isnt healthy.

Slow, deep breathing with a short pause when you inhale with after you exhale is useful for quieting the mind. Try to try to to this in a quiet spot some times a day. It can be done while you drive, sit on a subway or perhaps during a break at work.

Physical exercise is a sensible way to get out of the thought patterns that dominate us. Realize something you prefer and will stick with in order to be consistent. For instance, if you hate jogging or the gym, consider long walks outside or swimming.

Evaluate whether or not your friends are all good for you or if they may contribute to the problem. Do they fall into unhealthy habits that you also engage in? Do you decide people that are critical or that continually want to be bailed out?

Examine the aspects of your friendships that may want to be discussed and changed. If certain relationships seem terribly destructive than question whether or not it is sensible to have them in your life or if youre better off with somebody that nourishes your energy and spirit.

We have a tendency to can change our moods and stop previous patterns by increasing our consciousness and gaining perspective. Remember that a lot of situations will not be gripping in a week which we dont want to amplify them. - 30535

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Anxiety Panic Attack Symptom When Is Anxiety Abnormal

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By Sue Johnson

We all will feel anxious at one time or another. Many peoples worst fear is public speaking. Others may become anxious if they have to drive in heavy traffic. Were all different.

Some degree of anxiety is an appropriate response in many situations. In fact, some degree of anxiety can even help us perform better if we channel its energy properly. As long as we are able to perform at a high level, we are probably OK.

As with anything else, too much becomes the problem. Too much anxiety results in severe anxiety panic attack symptoms. At this point they interfere with our ability to live life normally and something needs to be done. If the person experiencing the episodes chooses to do nothing their life as likely to spiral out of control.

There are a few ways to distinguish abnormal anxiety from an appropriate response. We generally have an idea of the seriousness of the situation and can gauge whether our response is in the same ballpark. Another way to judge is to look at the results. For example, if were anxious about test that anxiety leads us to put in a few extra hours studying then its helpful. On the other hand, if the anxiety has is so worried we feel overwhelmed and hopeless, it has become a problem.

Anxiety panic symptoms happen on the physical side as well. A severe anxiety attack triggers the fight or flight response leading to an outpouring of adrenaline. The adrenaline causes a rapid, pounding pulse and many other uncomfortable symptoms.

Considering that anxiety panic episodes affect both the physical and emotional state, its not surprising that people find them so distressing. Anyone would naturally want relief from that distress. Fortunately, in todays world people suffering from these attacks have many treatment options available - 30535

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Relationship Breakup

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Ease the Pain of a Relationship Breakup Right Now

A relationship breakup is one of the hardest things most people will ever have to do Indeed, most studies on stress show that a divorce ranks even higher on the stress scale than losing a loved one. Most people dont have any idea how to properly handle a relationship breakup.

The end of a relationship will always be painful, even if its one that needs to be broken up. Youve spent a lot of time and emotion with this person, and even if youre the one doing the breaking up, its going to come with a lot of hurt feelings.

Obviously, this going to be even worse if youre the one being broken up with. A relationship breakup that you dont want or expect is a horrible event. What you have to keep in mind is that a relationship needs two people in it. You may want it to go on, but if the other person has checked out, you may have to consider that the relationship needed to end.

Still there are techniques you can use to ease the pain of a relationship breakup. Im going to outline several techniques that have been proven to help relieve the pain of a broken heart and move you past the hurt.
Step One: Figure Out Why

You need to know why the relationship ended. This doesnt matter if you were the one doing the breaking up or the one being broken up with. Either way you need to do some soul searching to find out what the reasons were behind the breakup. If you have some questions about why you broke up, then youre never going to be able to move beyond the relationship breakup.

Step Two: Get Rid of Reminders
You need to get some space between you and the person youve broken up with. This means that you cant go to bed each night hanging on to your exs old sweater. You need to clean the deck and get your mind off of them. You need to make a clean break, so you need to put away all the little reminders.

Step Three: Positive People
There are negative people in the world and there are positive people. If youve just experienced a relationship breakup, youre going to find that you are in a very negative place. What you need to do is find the most upbeat and positive people you can and spend as much time with them as possible. In combination with the previous two steps, this will put you in the right place to move.

Step Four: Start Dating Again
The final step in recovering from a relationship break up is to start dating other people. The thing you need to keep in mind is that you are not trying to replace your ex, youre just trying to start seeing the world as a place without them. So you need to see other people and get out there. Dont look at every date as a new chance at love, just look at them as a way to get your mojo back.

The four steps will have you over your relationship breakup in no time flat. But keep in mind; you dont necessarily have to get over a break up. Sometimes good relationships fall apart for the wrong reasons, and you can fix the damage. You just need to find the right plan.
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Praying to get your ex back Pray to God for getting back together

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We have a new video! It features our nine prayers for getting back an ex, set to music.

You can watch it on our main site, HelpGettingBackTogether.com.

Here is a sample of one of the prayers:

O God, almighty and all-knowing,
help me in my time of need.
Open my eyes to behold
the true heart of the one I love,
so that I may understand
what is required of me
to win back the affection and intimacy
we used to share.


You can also watch it offsite at YouTube.com.

Comment and let us know what you think!
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how to get over your ex partner

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how to get over your ex partner

Here are some tips on how to get over your ex based on what how to get over an ex. the hardest part about getting over a romantic partner is letting go of. Want to learn how to get over an ex girlfriend fast? use 9 simple tips here to start planning your new life without your ex both in mind and in reality. When you are in a serious relationship with someone it can sometimes feel like you are giving a part of your soul over to them. you are trusting that person to be.

Get Over Your Ex | hairstylegalleries.com

Get over your ex | hairstylegalleries.com

Nine tips for getting over your ex shares. getting over your ex is one of the great dilemmas of manhood. ex-girlfriend meeting women. How to get over an ex boyfriend. getting over an ex boyfriend is typically easier said than done. but your behaviors and habits could be inhibiting you from fully. * how to get over your ex boyfriend * 6 easy steps!!! follow me on twitter: @jossymathias..

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The Power Of Knowing About Your Past Life

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By Susan M Mann

The idea of reincarnation; that you had a past life, or several - is an ancient one, and one that is found on every corner of the earth: Japanese, Australian aborigines, Africans, modern Wiccans and many other New Age religions, all believe that you have past lives, and that your past lives influence who and what you are today.

What you are now and who you believed you are now is an influence of your past life including your health, your mental well being, and your social interactions are all influenced by your past life. This is why it is important to know yourself, who you are and what you are in the past, to be able to make yourself better and stronger in this current life.

How do you know if you have a past life? You may never know, however, in many cases disturbing memories or dreams that do not belong to you may visit you while you are awake. Reincarnation is a very popular belief among many individuals. However, when doing the math, it makes a great deal of sense that there are some new souls. Other indications include:

* When you saw or learned about a particular culture or arts, you already had a deep connection or attraction to that thing. Based on reincarnation idea, this may be because you were from that region or from that era. To be fully sure of this, you may want to learn some more culture or arts and discover your reactions and the effect it gives you; it may be linked to your origin in your past life.

* Unusually strong emotions concerning a historical incident, for example, may cause you to become misty eyed, such as looking at Washington Crossing the Delaware but not at any other revolutionary art, may indicate that you were involved in such a past life incident.

* Allergies or irrational fears that are not triggered by a childhood incident may be an indicator. There are particular physical and psychological issues may indicate a past life experience.

This is by no means an exhaustive list, and just the fact that you have one of these indicators does not mean you are remembering a past life. Look for patterns in your life, ranges of things that attract you for no good reason, and you may start to home in on similarities that will help you piece together an idea of what your past life or lives may have been.

Self-hypnosis can help you to access the past life you once had. If you can not do it, ask for somebody to help you through hypnosis. Most of the therapists who do past life regression are specialists as well in helping people know their past life. They usually do it by using a form of deep hypnotic procedure.

When you made decision regarding this, go for the process that gives you a deep relaxation method. This is the first technique that you should get before the therapist proceed to the past life regression.

There is nothing significant to worry over in the terms of safety, since what should happen is that you are able to experience a past life just as vividly as if you were actually going back in time. It may not be as intense as described here; however, you should be able to experience feelings and shadow of your past life.

Pleasant memories trigger pleasant feeling; while past life memories that are bad generally trigger the same type of feelings, such as having a bad dream. You wake up feeling uncomfortable, similar to having a nightmare. Keep in mind, however that if there are any bad memories, they are an essential aspect of the past life regression experience.

What is important is remembering a past life. Once you remember, you are able to move on in this life. Problems occur when there is subconscious suppression of these memories. Acknowledging and accepting what happened in the past can aid you, while experiencing you present life with an entirely different point of view.

The philosophy of Karma says that when we are good examples in one life, while being committed to positive and kindly acts offer us good karma. As a result, for good, we receive good vibrations in our future lives, unless we become bad examples. If this happen, then our personal Karma changes and negative vibrations follow us throughout our future lives, until we suffer from them and then commit to becoming a good example in our own lifetime.

Not all people believe this idea because they thought that if someone was bad in the past life, there is no reason for him to suffer from the bad karma that might be due him in his past life. But the truth is, every one is entitled to have a new life ahead and every life is a chance to have a better life by choosing to do right in the current life. - 30535

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Depression and Anger Go Together

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By Owen Jones

Anxiety and depression are almost certainly the causes of uncontrollable anger. When a person is continuously worried about problems they have no control over or even problems they do have control over, it often results in depression. If you feel that, there is no hope then your depression can affect your life and cause you to sink into a spiral of despair.

Taking control of your emotions usually produces good results. If you feel that the world is falling down around your ears, then you are almost definitely thinking negatively, which brings on depression and anxiety. In this short piece, we will discuss some techniques to empower you to cope with anxiety and depression, thus relieving uncontrollable anger.

Firstly, let us examine the symptoms. Do you feel like you are going out of your mind? Do you scream in your head: I cant take it any more?. Do you feel like everyone is out to get you? Do you think people view you as mad? If you are undergoing any or all of these symptoms then you are probably suffering from some form of anxiety and depression.

If you can not find a way to think differently, then you will probably explode when your emotions bubble over and your anger bursts out. Instead of telling yourself that you are out of your mind, why not tell yourself that you are only having atemporary emotional problem and that you need to resolve the situation. Review all the problem areas carefully and search your memory to see if there are answers to your problems there. Reviewing like this, often opens doors to resources you may have forgotten about.

If you feel like someone is out to get you then you might have a chemical imbalance or a mental illness. Why not go to see your doctor or a mental health expert to learn more about the symptoms and find a way to regain control of your life. Anxiety and depression can play tricks with your mind but sometimes the thoughts are simply the result of a chemical imbalance.

If you think that people think you are going crazy, you might care to remember that most people have their own problems and have no time to analyze you as a person or your life. When you walk into a room and think that people are staring at you, you might want to remember that people observe things around them, making sure everything is OK and then return to their own private lives.

If you feel like you just cannot take it any more, just bite your lip and walk another mile. When times are difficult, it does not mean it is the end of the world, although sometimes it may seem this way. If you are struggling to pay bills, fighting to hold a family together, or having difficulty with your children then remember that we all have these problems at some time or another in our lives.

Are your children driving you out of your mind? If they are, take time out. Go and do something entertaining or some exercise. This very often relieves the stresses that lead to anxiety, depression and anger. Life is just too short to worry about the things in life that you do not have control over. If you have problems, the answers lie within you, so it pays to look into your head.

If you are really struggling to reach your goals then you might want to break them down into smaller more realistic segments and work patiently to achieve them. If you set goals that are within reason, you will not need to get stressed out finding a way to achieve them.

It is important to treat yourself every day. Learn some coping responses that will benefit both your mind and your body. If you feel bogged down, you might want to take deep breaths say,ten times.

Curling up on a couch and watching a favorite movie can benefit your mind and your body, if you want to let your thoughts wander. However, learn to focus on what you are doing instead of worrying about what you are not doing. This often clears the mind and helps you to relax.

If you are subject to unbridled anger, you will most probably have problems for the remainder of your life unless you learn to master your emotions. Remember that depression leads to uncontrollable anger. - 30535

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Apology letter to ex after a breakup

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I wish there were more sample letters like this out there. Its hard to figure out what you want to say to your ex, especially when you want to get back together.

Even harder, if youve been a little out of control -- like if youve been texting too often, or calling or driving by. You need to put a stop to all of that, and go NC (no contact) for a while until youre thinking straight again.

And you certainly need to apologize to your ex.

Even if you dont have anything to apologize for (and, well, are you sure about that?) a letter similar to this is still a good idea, to show that youre on board with breaking up. You wont get your ex back if you resist accepting the fact that you got dumped, no matter how unfair it seems.

But... to have to compose a letter when your heads a mess isnt easy. I think this example letter to an ex would be good for most breakup circumstances. You might have to change some parts, but its a good start.

-- Kit.

Letter of Apology to an Ex Lover - What to Say and How to Say It

By Dan K. Jenkins

When you look for advice on the internet about how to get your ex back, you discover that step one is to write a letter.

And you learn that it has to be a handwritten letter -- not typed, and not an email.

The purpose of the letter is to let your ex know youre sorry for whatever you did, and that you agree that breaking up is a good idea. This letter sets the stage for everything youll be doing afterwards, to try to get back together.

Why apologize in writing?

A hand-written letter, sent in a hand-addressed envelope, is the most personal form of delayed communication you can use.

Spoken communication, in person or over the phone, is too immediate. With immediate communication, some response is required -- but your ex might feel threatened, or feel like theres not enough time to think of the right response.

Text messages and email are too casual. Even a typed or printed letter feels distant, compared to the intimacy of a handwritten letter you took the time to pen yourself. Your letter to your ex absolutely must be written by hand, and written on paper, not on a card. A card is, once again, too casual.

When to apologize?

Send your letter as soon as possible, but be sure to wait until after you have thought about your situation, and think you understand what your ex is feeling.

While you compose your letter, you should feel regret, not anger. If you are still angry, then it is too soon to write a letter of apology. It is too soon to say you agree with the breakup.

You need to be certain about what you are apologizing FOR. For example:

  • Did you hurt someones feelings?

  • Is someone angry at you?

  • Is someone afraid of you?

  • Are you ashamed of something you said or did?

  • Did you lie, steal, or cheat?

  • Did you forget something important?

Even if it was an accident, you should apologize. Even if it felt justified at the time, you should apologize. Even if you know that in the same circumstances, you would do the same thing again -- you still ought to apologize.

What should you say in your letter?

Your letter of apology to your lover needs to communicate two things: That you are sorry for whatever you did that caused your breakup, and that you agree that breaking up is a good idea.

Dont spend too much time explaining why you did what you did. It wont help, especially if it was a repeat occurrence, or if you did it on purpose.

Dont be funny, and dont be crude or obscene.

Dont ask for an acknowledgement -- no, "Let me know if you got this" or anything like that. You should be prepared not to hear back.

Example apology letter

Here is a sample letter to an ex girlfriend...

Dear Amy,

I have been thinking a lot about how I hurt you, and I want to say Im sorry. I understand why you dont want to be with me any more. I agree it is a good idea.

Being away from you is hard on me, but I guess that after time goes by I wont miss you so much. I hope, anyway, because I would hate to feel like this forever.

I know it was the last straw. I know you think you cant trust me any more, after what I did. But please believe my apology. You mean more to me than anyone else does. You are the one I love.

Maybe after you have had some time away from me, you will want to talk to me again. If you ever need me, I will be there for you.


Learn more about getting back together with your ex. Visit The Online Guide to Getting Back Together and find advice from experts on how to get your ex to come back to you.

This online guide will also lead you to professionally-written books with step-by-step instructions for getting back together with an ex.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dan_K._Jenkins
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Balance Your Chakras For a Much Healthier Life

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By Jai Dahalli

A common belief says that most things perform the best when they are provided a well balanced condition, excess or scarce of any factor leads to undesirable conditions and that holds true for the centers of energy in our body as well. Also we need to understand that other than the body we also possess a soul which is not seen but is an important element in our existence.

Only when these inner and outer selves of a person are able to co-ordinate and maintain a healthy interaction, the person can perform tasks effectively. Even the survival of the human requires adequate attention to both of these, while food and water provide the required energy to our body, the various chakras in our body are responsible for the healthy existence of the soul and for that the correct chakra balance is crucial.

Once you have performed the exercise of chakra cleansing it is crucial that you follow it up with the act of balancing your chakras. During the cleaning process you let off all the negative energy in your body and try to get in the positive energy which supposedly is generated by the actions of the planets and the heavenly bodies.

Chakra balance is obtained by ensuring that the energy exchange takes place for each chakra so that not only the individual chakra is balanced but an overall chakra balance can be seen for the human being, which would mean that all your body parts are in the best of conditions and you are in great health.

Since each of the chakras is said to affect an important organ in our body it is important to ensure that all of them are well balanced as living with even a little problem in important organs would be discomforting.

Water consumption and usage for various purposes plays a significant role in the determination of the chakra balance of the body and hence the fluid should be an important part of your day to day activities and diet.

As soothing as the colors are for our eyes, certain colors can also be soothing to the chakras. They play a definitive role in helping maintain the chakra balance and their introduction into your life can drive away problems caused by the particular chakra with which the color is associated.

For years people have been highlighting the advantages of meditation, it not only gives you peace of mind but also provides a channel for your spiritual self to reinvent itself. As important is sleep for the freshness of the outer body, equally important is meditation for your inner self.

Every human experiences the energy exchange with the heavenly bodies while in sleep as the body tends to go into a phase of partial meditation, this is very important cosmic energy that is used to revive the chakra balance.

It is very important that along with all activities to maintain chakra balance, an individual should also include adequate amount of exercising in his/her habits, this not only beneficial for the body parts but it also helps the re arrangement of the chakras physically. The duration of the exercise need not be long but then it should be strictly followed.

Your food intake also has a role to play in the maintenance of your chakra balance, it can happen so that inapt food habits can lead to disorders and also many problems can be caused. It is better to have small meals at intervals rather than eating too much at a time.

So it can be said without a doubt that chakra balance has tremendous significance in the smooth performance of our daily activities and hence ensure that your act of balancing the chakras is in place! - 30535

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Step By Step How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back

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Understanding just how to get your ex boyfriend back can often be a hit and miss affair and its no wonder, because as a rule were not taught this stuff.  We either have to make it up as we go along, or rely on our friends to help us out. But guess what?  Our friends equally have no clue how to help us and theyre also making it up as they go. But the reality is that it simply takes using a proven plan and then taking action on that plan, for you to win back your boyfriend. 

Your first step should always be to distance yourself from your ex and this is an action to preserve your sanity as much as it to make a statement to your ex boyfriend.  This step will stop you fixating on your ex and give you the space to concentrate on your own needs and requirements to help you get through this stressful time.

Make a serious attempt to reconnect with your family and friends and accept any help that will undoubtedly come from those who love and care about you.  If youre serious about figuring out how to get your ex boyfriend back it would be a huge mistake on your part to isolate yourself.  With people around you it means youre not sitting at home crying and obsessing about the breakup of your relationship or your ex boyfriend.
Now, as youre spending time with family and friends, find out from them what they saw as the downfall of the relationship.  Im sure your boyfriend wouldve told you what he thought as he walked out, and you no doubt have your own ideas on what went wrong and why.  However, sometimes it takes the perspective of an outsider looking in to make sense of a relationship.  So if you seriously want to figure out how to get your ex back then ask others for their opinions.

Your next move is to make sure that given what youve heard back from family and friends regarding their take on the breakup, that you now think for yourself. You either agree or disagree with whats been said and of course youre doubtless going to get different opinions from them all.  So take some time to weigh up whats been said and the final decision is yours.  Yes you started out wanting to get your ex boyfriend back, but is it still what you want?  Perhaps youve heard some truths that now put that quest in doubt?  Perhaps youve had time to come to terms with the breakup and you can more readily accept it?  Whatever and wherever you are, be clear on what you want before you make the next move.

If youre still determined to go ahead and win him back, then your next move is to call him and to do so calmly and without emotion and drama and talk to him about the way you feel.
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how to get my voice back after being sick

How can i get my normal voice back? was sick with a sinus infection and lost my voice for being so already. it might help to get a better. How to get your voice back especially if you're sick. tip how to get your voice back- hoarse voice - duration:. My voice is also gone how long does it take to get voice back after being sick? save cancel. already exists. would you like to merge this.

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The Kübler Ross Model The Letter

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Note: Please read The Kübler-Ross Model short story first.

The Goats Nest Short Stories Presents: The Kübler-Ross Model: The Letter

The Letter

Dear Reader,

The name you will most likely remember me by is Holly Vegemite, as it is my understanding that you know who I am. God, I hope so, because this is my only chance to save you and everyone either of us ever knew.

I cannot expect you to believe where I write to you from right now, but at the risk of losing faith before I have even begun, know that I am no longer alive, rather a lone spirit in a place every story book failed to mention. I see clearly now, more clear than ever, thoughts are not the obstacles they once were nor even components to my existence, as I have connected as one to my own boundless energy. And I see everything.

We will get to the primary reason for this letter shortly, but first and foremost you must understand that Nigel Coaster is an innocent man, not only from the charges he actively declared his innocence for, but even for those he confessed his guilt to. I am assuming you read the article in the OIAC paper, and if so, I beg you to remember some of the Journalists final words, as they were closer to the truth than anything else out there. The “wolf” was right. There is something much bigger going on here, something so detailed that it will be difficult for you to digest everything in one go, but please, you have to pay attention. Research further if you must, but above all else, listen carefully to what I have to say.

I (as in the self I once was, Holly) died in a car accident. I was hit by a drunk driver, which is what the official report states, and for the most part, this is true. However, the moment my electricity disconnected from my physical form, the flash of truth blinded my journey to where I am now, and I realised that it was the rats all along, just like the conspiracies theorised. The rats did everything. The rats steered that drunk man’s car into mine at such high speeds that my demise was imminent. The rats kidnapped all of us girls. The rats gave Nigel those horrific ideas for the games. And, most importantly of all, even before this whole story began, the rats planted something into Nigel’s mind which gave them a voice within his own thoughts.

The reason they did this is difficult to explain, but it involves me. In fact, it involves all of us, even you. If you recall the OIAC interview with Nigel, he was certain he’d hired those rats to aid his master plan of imprisonment and those Kübler games, when in actual fact, the rats were hired by someone else to convince Nigel of just that. I have not been permitted to expose who the man in charge is, but I will tell you this: there are many stories just like this one, some taking place right now. You think this was the only example of the Kübler-Ross model being used as a method of torture in order to achieve some sort of grand finale? No, there were many, many just like this. The only reason you know about this one specifically is simply because Nigel didnt die like he was supposed to, and the story lived on as a result. I like to believe this was some sort of a divine intervention, but that level of authority will never be disclosed to characters like us.

But whether a higher power or a coincidence, the backstory remains as solid as it ever did. There is an ancient prophecy which has been followed for centuries now, but unlike so many dime-a-dozen folklore tales, this one is actually true. The easiest way I can explain it is as follows: there is a loose collection of energy which is distinct and special, and it lives within a very select group of people. While it can exist in multiple creatures within the same time period, there is always a specific pair of individuals intended, consisting of one male and one female, known historically as the Eternal Couple. The only prerequisite is that the two counter genders harnessing said energy must repeat the same story of those who came before: they will find each other, they will live in suffering, and then they will die, only to end back in the afterlife where they will remember everything, evaporate, forget everything, and then be reused for the same purpose, ignorantly cursed to this repetition, forever. In case you hadnt worked this out by now, I am the female counterpart of the Eternal Couple, and I have memories you wouldnt believe. Memories dating back to times before man, memories taking place only a mere year ago separate from Holly, and memories of which have not even happened yet. And that’s all I can do: remember things while my energy remains stuck in limbo, awaiting the equivalent male spirit to die and reconnect to me, setting my soul free to be reborn once again. And that male spirit currently lives within Nigel.

As much as I pain without his love, writhing in the infinite memories we have shared as so many different version of ourselves, sick to my stomach in this afterlife of loneliness, I am fully aware that this is the best possible position for us to be in, for the sake of all mankind. Which brings me to the most crucial aspect you have to take from this letter: Nigel must not die. That is the whole purpose of these words I write. The very fabric of our time period relies on Nigel staying alive, as this is the only way to keep our spirits apart, and the prophecy dormant.

It has been written extensively that the death of the Eternal Couple must take place a certain (or perhaps, even a random) amount of times before another war between all that is good and all that is bad can meet on an Earthly plane once again, in an attempt to dominate the consciousness of all life involved. The last war was brutal, taking many years for our planet to recover, but good prevailed thanks to the spirit that was in Nigel, his hand killing Satan’s lead beast and rendering the dark army useless. Which is why, now more than ever, Hell is restless, eagerly initiating as many Eternal Couple deaths as possible in order to spur the next war on.

And this is the extent of my knowledge when it comes to the powers that be, but what I can tell you is that for nearly the last half decade, there has been a race to find examples of an Eternal Couple and kill them off as fast as possible in order to launch this war, with varying degrees of success, especially due to the fact that no one except the Eternal Couple really knows whether they are genuinely the Eternal Couple or not, and only becoming aware of their importance in the time of their death. Which is why it was a numbers game above all else.

At first, the man who hired the rats was satisfied with the creatures to just scope out already loving partners, and then silently kill them off. But when this proved to have no results, they knew they had to get smarter with it. The next plan was to find likely candidates for falling in love, and then work as a sort of twisted ”fate”; introducing them by some form of “coincidence”, ensuring they suffered, and then killing them off. At times, the rats even experimented with informing the couples about their intentions, and some of these couples were honoured, happy to sacrifice themselves in hopes that they were in fact the Eternal Couple—such a romantic idea without considering the terrible consequences such a scene would entail. Fortunately, even after so many deaths, no more than one or two fit the criteria.

Hence the Kübler-Ross approach. Here, an eligible person would be conditioned to believe that they needed to spend time with five varied personalities, ensuring all parties would suffer, and then under the observation of the rats, the perpetrator would be convinced to kill him or herself. On the off chance that said person was one half of the Eternal Couple, all it would take would be for the rats to calculate the most likely candidate out of the other five to murder, and in theory, upping the chances of killing the correct Eternal Couple substantially. And even if they don’t know it just yet, they managed to get it right with Nigel and I. Sometimes I wonder: perhaps my actual male was a different individual, perhaps Nigel’s actual female was too—if it even works that way. But regardless of these details, our spirits were competent for the purpose, fate has been intervened, and if Nigel dies and our run of the Eternal Couple completes, this may very well usher in the end of days.

My superior position in death does come with its own prizes, however, and this letter is one of them. The first to die of any given Eternal Couple is granted one opportunity to send a note to the living, usually to their Eternal Counterpart to aid themselves into their own death. And believe me, a letter to Nigel crossed my mind. However, after some thought, I figured what better place to post this than right here? How many more will read it? It is a risk, as I am not aware of who you are or what sort of control you have in this situation, dear reader, but maybe you know someone who does? Someone who could rewrite this story into a happy ending? Absolutely anything you can do, I beg of you, for you must understand that the death of Nigel may be the last in a long line of incidents, granting the powers of darkness to birth a monster and lead a war, perhaps reclaiming the Earth for evil like they once did so long ago. Heed my warning very seriously. Please. Nigel must not die.

This all relies on you.

As I was known,
“Holly Vegemite”

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How to handle a crazy ex girlfriend

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Victor the Cat, Blisstree’s resident relationship columnist is back to help you with your relationship dramas and dilemmas in 2011, starting with this one about a crazy ex who can’t seem to let go of her ex-boyfriend, even when he’s your current beau.

Hello Victor the Cat:

I’ve got a frustrating dilemma. My boyfriend and I have been together for one blissful year. I have — literally — no complaints and plenty of compliments about our relationship.

He and his previous girlfriend broke up about 1 1/2 years before we met. Theirs was a complicated relationship for about four years. In hindsight, my boyfriend feels that they were never really that well matched, and is very glad they broke up, although it was very painful for him when it happened.

About a month after he and I started dating, his ex started calling him and telling him she wanted him back, that she never imagined they wouldn’t end up being together forever. He was upfront with me about it, and at the time I told him if he needed a break from us to wrap up loose ends with his ex that I would understand. He said “No, it’s definitely over with her, I love you, etc etc.” And that was that.

But that wasn’t that. Since then she has contacted him several more times to tell him she misses him, and started asking him for money she says he owes her, at times becoming quite manipulative and mean. The last time she did this he asked her to not contact him ever again. But on New Year’s Eve he received a text: “Happy New Year’s – I’ll always love you,” which he promptly told me about and deleted.

Here’s my real dilemma: I’m not worried about my boyfriend at all.  If we were any more committed to each other, we’d need to be surgically attached (and trust me, it’s cute not creepy). But I find that I am now becoming obsessed with his ex – wanting to tell her off, wanting to make her stop, wanting to send her articles on how to get over a broken heart so she can stop being so disrespectful and maybe finally leave us alone! Why do I feel so strongly about this? And how can I manage my emotions better?

Thanks, my furry guru,

The Lucky One

Dear Lucky One:

My first thought is that you are entirely within your rights to be totally ticked off by the behavior of your boyfriend’s ex. You say they were together for four years and broke up 1 1/2 years before you and he met. So, by my calculations (and the undisputed relationship rule that says it should take you half the time you dated someone to actually get over them), miss crazy pants should’ve been nearly over her ex by the time you and he started seeing each other.

Clearly, this nut-job has serious boundary issues (as well as other issues relating to why she cannot seem to move forward and beyond her former relationship). Not only is she bothering your boyfriend with unwanted advances, she’s also negatively interfering with your relationship, which she obviously has no right to do. She is not welcome, and she knows it. But her irritating texts and phone calls are the only way she can attempt to exert some control, which is what she wants to do. (Mental note: She also has control issues.)

Now, I completely understand the desire to tell her off, make her stop, and send her links to articles about pathetic ex-girlfriends. But you must, I repeat, must resist the desire to do so! Why? Because that’s exactly what she wants you to do. She thrives on generating any kind of attention, good or bad (from your boyfriend, you, anyone else), so if you give her the satisfaction of any kind of response, then the terrorists have won. (In this case, the terrorists are your boyfriend’s ex.) I know this is tough advice to follow, because you really feel like you’d be teaching her an important and necessary life lesson, but trust me, you wouldn’t be. People like her don’t learn from rational and reasonable methods. In fact, people like her often don’t learn at all. So don’t provoke her, pity her.

Ignoring her will send a much, much stronger message than any telling off ever could. In the meantime, concentrate on all the positive aspects of your delightful relationship with your boyfriend. Eventually, his ex will get bored and move on (and will likely start bugging some other poor soul).

My second thought is that your story would make a great screenplay. At first, the audience thinks the guy is going to cheat with his ex. He doesn’t. Then they think the crazy ex is going to kill the boyfriend or new girlfriend. She doesn’t. Turns out, the nice, normal new girlfriend is the one who goes all “Single White Female” on the ex. At the very least, you should write this up as a screenplay treatment and pitch it to a few Hollywood studios. Not kidding. That’ll show your boyfriend’s ex!
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getting over your ex who has moved on

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getting over your ex who has moved on

How to let go of a past relationship: 10 steps to move this post has been extremely helpful mentally and i plan to focus on getting over what happend with my ex. How to get over an ex. there are some things you can do to help you to move on. here are some tips on how to get over your ex based on what researchers know about. How to make someone fall in love with you. based on the psychology of falling in love: how to get over anyone in few days breakups will never hurt like before..

to Get Over a Breakup and Move On From a Relationship? - Get Your Ex ...

To get over a breakup and move on from a relationship? - get your ex

Nine tips for getting over your ex these 9 tricks will help you finally move on from your ex. How to get over your ex moving on july 5, 2014. image courtesy of free grunge textures. so when we know they’ve moved on,. How to get your ex back when he has moved on to a new perhaps it’s been a long time after the breakup and perhaps he is already over the breakup and has moved on..

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Creating New Habits

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By Ellen Valentine, CNC

We are learning from information on Brain Sciences and Quantum Physics that all we are is pure potential. And although the possibility of all potential is a gift weve been given, we often twist the possibilities against ourselves. According to our energetic impulses, our thought waves, we also tap into the Pure Potential of the Universal Mind from which all things spring. The outcome of all of this will be either pleasurable or not depending on the grade of thought and its emotional strength; and all of this set in motion by the Universal Laws of Attraction and Connectivity of all things.

When we experience emotion, part of our body mind, the hypothalamus matches the emotional state and sends out peptides through the pituitary gland which seek to connect or link to docking points on cells in our body. Similar thinking day after day which has the same feelings or emotions attached to it will find more than enough locking docks on cells to support that thinking. And whether those emotional responses net you good results or less than desirable results makes no difference. Frankly, if you dont like the results youre getting in life from your emotional responses, its up to you to break the patterns.

Familiar triggers and emotions create patterns and habits because people tend to relate certain actions, people, places and experiences with strong feelings. This in turn sets up predictable behaviors because some things feel good and some feel bad. People generally go for the better or familiar feeling even if this doesnt net them the best results.

In brief it feels easier to do the same things, even if they dont bring the best results because our neurological network gets wired for certain responses. And, although every human is limitless, most function at a very limited level because it feels normal or right to them. Daily behavior, then, becomes what a person believes to be true about them; and, it will continue to be true for them. Patterns of thinking also set up an agreement with the Greater Universal Mind that this is what we expect to be true for us.

The Universe, Source, is very neutral and non-judgmental, it only responds in support of our thinking and our decisions. It will always send to us the perfect people, circumstances and materials to support our decisions and emotions. These are said to be triggers in our lives. When they appear we most likely respond. Can we shift our response? Most definitely we can always change our neurological response by consciously shifting how we observe any situation.

Depending on the habitual pattern, the thing that keeps happening, our job to break the habit is to replace one thing for another which will produce a more desirable outcome. In other words, if we can understand a behavior that produces a painful outcome, then we can use a reprogramming technique such as Sedona Method, TFT and EFT, Breath work with Journaling or EMDR to shift the energy around patterns of behavior. It requires effort and continual vigilance for a full 30 " 40 days. That helps the neural network to send a new message for new behaviors. Thats how long it takes to break a neurological response pattern, a habit. Your intention is everything.

It is good to remember that in breaking old ways of Being we are breaking neurological responses. New neural pathways are created as old chemical responses no longer felt. Universal support is also there for us. Because of the Laws of Connectivity and Attraction the Greater Sea of All Potential is right there to support our efforts.

To get new results and create new ways things happen in your life begin thinking new thoughts about yourself. Shift your perspective as your own life Observer. Shift the energy around the situation and keep doing the process until you start getting the results you hope for. In that way you claim more of who you really are. As always support is a key in shifting patterns and remembering the goodness you truly are in the process.

Create Joy and Everything Good Will Follow, Ellen Valentine, CNC - 30535

About the Author:

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How to patch up with your ex girlfriend

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Breakups are very painful experience that everybody needs to face once in their relationship. Things are not always remain same, sometime there is love romance and sometime there is fighting and arguments. When argument and fighting reached at sky level then breakup occurs from nowhere. if you’re having breakup with your boyfriend especially if your ex boyfriend is your first love and you spend most of your time with him then it is really shattering experience for you. However, patch up with your boyfriend is possible if you try to patch with your boyfriend. There are some tips for patching up with your boyfriend. Before following these tips I like to advice you to avoid doing mistakes that most people do. Read about these mistakes from getexbackguru.net .
  • Start communicating with him:


If you want to win him back then you need to start communicating with her. Going for no-contact with him is not the good idea especially if he is not dating with any other girlfriend. There are many relationships that break because of less communication. Boys and girls have their own life, their need to make their career by themselves but spending some time and sharing happiness with your boyfriend make him feel you respecting him. Many girls think boys only want sex which is not true because boy need his girlfriend to respect him, to love him and to admire him.

  • Give some time to him:

Don’t rush to get him back allow him to rethink about you and your both relationship. Surely, you both spend some romantic moments together and you both make future plan for your relationship. Let these romantic feelings start coming again in your ex boyfriend mind then do your efforts to patch with him. I know it is really difficult to spend days without the one you love most in your life, take some time in removing the misunderstandings that break your relationship with him.

  • Wait for right time:


If you want to get your boyfriend back in your life then you need to wait for right time to start contacting your ex again. Many time boys first put their efforts to patch up things with their girlfriend. Allow some time and space to your ex. If you start sending bulk text message then your ex boyfriend never consider you again for his girlfriend. It is really difficult for your ex boyfriend to forget all romantic moment you both spend together. But if you keep on sending bulk text message then it puts negative feeling about you and your ex boyfriend starts avoiding you. Don’t try to make your ex boyfriend jealous by dating with new boyfriend it will never helps you.

  • Don’t avoid him:

If you and your ex boyfriend meet somewhere accidentally, don’t try to avoid him. Instead, try to share smile with him and if he starts talking with you then replay to him but remember try to keep your meeting short with him. Don’t start begging to get back if he is interested but he surely start patching up things with you. Don’t try to blame him for all the misunderstandings that take place previously in your relationship. Forget and forgive all mistakes that he made in the past.

These are 4 tips about how to get your ex back that will help you in getting your ex boyfriend back. The most important tool to get your ex boyfriend back is patience. Don’t rush to get ex boyfriend back, wait for right time and when your boyfriend contact you for meeting, try to patch up your breakup from your side and your boyfriend will follow your guidance.

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