Of course, if youre really in love with your ex you could make an effort to get back together. Theres no guarantee that anything you do will get you back together, but you could still try. Often, being genuine and just making it really clear that you dont want to lose your ex will be enough to move them to give it another chance.
If cheating was involved in some capacity, then their wanting to come back is less likely, but its still possible. If you cheated, you might think its going to be harder to get them back.
But if they cheated and that relationship has ended, its still harder to get them back once theyve been with someone else. And its going to take a long time for you to start trusting each other again.
Its important for you to decide that if your ex gives in and comes back, how will you keep from falling into the same patterns the next time around? You can say, Im still in love with my ex! until youre blue in the face, and that wont chance whether or not you have problems in the future.
Its really easy to be in love with someone. But making a relationship work is tough and time consuming. And you have the added difficulty of overcoming a break up. You can try to convince your ex that if you get back together youll change your ways, and maybe theyll believe you.
But the best thing you can do is simply show that youve changed your ways, without saying much about it. Actions really do almost always speak much louder than words, so the things you do are going to be noticed more by your ex than the things you say.
Its important to say the right things, too. But its more important to do the right things. If youre really still in love with them then you should want to change your actions dramatically, at least right now. When you think your actions might make a difference its easy to feel like you can change many things about yourself.
What you have to determine is whether or not you can really follow through with it. Theres no point in making promises to your ex that youre not going to be able to keep.
If you have any doubt that youll want to make the changes that you or your ex feel are necessary, then you shouldnt promise that youll make them. Though you say, Im still in love with my ex, you have to remember than only lasting changes will matter, not just a fast change to win them back.
You may like to read : how to get ex back after he has moved on
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