There are many different remote viewing methods which may be employed, all of which have the same goal: using your natural ability to see something which is beyond the reach of your five ordinary senses. It all happens with the power of your mind and is often compared to an out of body experience. Despite feeling somewhat similar, remote viewing and out of body experiences like astral travel are not the same things.
Actually, being able to remote view is a natural occurrence. Everyone has the innate ability to do remote viewing, yet as time passes, many individuals do forget that they ever could do such a thing. Remote viewing is the ability to sense or see something that is not in the same location as you are.
Remote viewing and its methods seem to many to be something entirely new age when all along it is just like many other issues that are considered paranormal as they are actually older than the time of the first breath of the first human.
You can call it what you like, but its still remote viewing
Take for example someone receiving some sort of psychic signal which does not have another individual as its origin; we would term this person a clairvoyant. When there are two people sending messages directly from one mind to another, we call this telepathy. Similarly, when a parent just senses that their children need help even though they may thousands of miles away, we often chalk it up to parental instincts.
As long as you keep an open mind about things, you can enjoy a new and enhanced perspective and even an expanded set of psychic senses to compliment your physical senses. When you let your natural psychic abilities come out, you can see the world in an entirely new way.
What Is Involved In Various Remote Viewing Methods?
In order to learn how to remote view you will need to find the best means of getting yourself into the right frame of mind. This means that you will need either to have developed your natural abilities of extra perception or train yourself in the matters of visualization and meditation. There are various methods and techniques of each. It is up to you to find the ones that work best for you and your lifestyle.
Meditation and guided visualizations can be effective remote viewing methods; these techniques help you to focus your mind on the person, place or thing youd like to be able to view. Like developing any skill, this does take some practice, so be patient and stick with your efforts to learn.
There are also aids you can use to help you develop your ability to remote view. These resources include books and audio recordings.
Some remote viewing methods work better for some individuals than for others. You should try out several of them in order to find which of them is the most helpful to you as you learn to use your remote viewing abilities.
Learn to trust your instincts. While learning to use this psychic ability, you may see images which you cant make sense of. Just let these images come as they may " theyll become clearer the more you practice and some images which make no sense to you now may later on.
Youll generally have the best results when you start off with the smallest of steps and progressively build on what you have learned. You may want to start off with just a few easy to visualize, clear images to use as your remote viewing targets. Use photographs or illustrations.
Seal these images in an envelope and try to see them without opening the envelope. Keep a notebook to write down your results and track your progress as you continue to practice the ability.
Be patient; youre not going to master remote viewing all at once. With continual practice youll keep improving until before long, youll be remote viewing with clarity any time you like. - 30535
Actually, being able to remote view is a natural occurrence. Everyone has the innate ability to do remote viewing, yet as time passes, many individuals do forget that they ever could do such a thing. Remote viewing is the ability to sense or see something that is not in the same location as you are.
Remote viewing and its methods seem to many to be something entirely new age when all along it is just like many other issues that are considered paranormal as they are actually older than the time of the first breath of the first human.
You can call it what you like, but its still remote viewing
Take for example someone receiving some sort of psychic signal which does not have another individual as its origin; we would term this person a clairvoyant. When there are two people sending messages directly from one mind to another, we call this telepathy. Similarly, when a parent just senses that their children need help even though they may thousands of miles away, we often chalk it up to parental instincts.
As long as you keep an open mind about things, you can enjoy a new and enhanced perspective and even an expanded set of psychic senses to compliment your physical senses. When you let your natural psychic abilities come out, you can see the world in an entirely new way.
What Is Involved In Various Remote Viewing Methods?
In order to learn how to remote view you will need to find the best means of getting yourself into the right frame of mind. This means that you will need either to have developed your natural abilities of extra perception or train yourself in the matters of visualization and meditation. There are various methods and techniques of each. It is up to you to find the ones that work best for you and your lifestyle.
Meditation and guided visualizations can be effective remote viewing methods; these techniques help you to focus your mind on the person, place or thing youd like to be able to view. Like developing any skill, this does take some practice, so be patient and stick with your efforts to learn.
There are also aids you can use to help you develop your ability to remote view. These resources include books and audio recordings.
Some remote viewing methods work better for some individuals than for others. You should try out several of them in order to find which of them is the most helpful to you as you learn to use your remote viewing abilities.
Learn to trust your instincts. While learning to use this psychic ability, you may see images which you cant make sense of. Just let these images come as they may " theyll become clearer the more you practice and some images which make no sense to you now may later on.
Youll generally have the best results when you start off with the smallest of steps and progressively build on what you have learned. You may want to start off with just a few easy to visualize, clear images to use as your remote viewing targets. Use photographs or illustrations.
Seal these images in an envelope and try to see them without opening the envelope. Keep a notebook to write down your results and track your progress as you continue to practice the ability.
Be patient; youre not going to master remote viewing all at once. With continual practice youll keep improving until before long, youll be remote viewing with clarity any time you like. - 30535
About the Author:
The writer Adam G Lake writes for the website. Discover for yourself how easy it is to learn the remote viewing methods. Discover previously undisclosed information. Anyone really can learn remote viewing when you visit here to get 29 free remote viewing mp3 audios!
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