What Causes Panic Attacks

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By Greg Anderson

The precise causes for panic attacks is largely unclear, and can vary by person. While certain factors can make a person more susceptible to panic attacks, there is not a specific medical or psychological issue causing panic attacks: The cause can sometimes be as individual as the person experiencing the panic attack.

According to scientific experts, the effects of panic attacks may possibly be related to the action of chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters. If neurotransmitter are mis-firing, they can make a reaction called "fight or flight" occur. This reaction is typically the precursor to panic attacks. The unknown here is why this reaction would be set off when the time is wrong, and the reasons behind that are still being researched today.

The exact reasons that people have panic attacks are usually unknown. There are so many different things that may contribute to panic attacks that it is possible only to find commonalities that may cause a person to be more likely to have them. There is not yet a decisive triggering factor that is identical in each and every case. It is quite possible that genetics may play a part since panic attacks sometimes follow family blood lines. Sometimes life events that cause a lot of stress can possibly contribute to panic attacks.

There are some medical conditions, and drugs related to those conditions, that could possibly bring on panic attacks. Should you start to have panic attacks for the first time, it is best to see your physician so that the cause can be determined if at all possible.

The medical problems that might be related to panic attacks include the following: Mitral valve prolapse, hyperthyroidism, hypoglycemia, stimulant use, and withdrawal from medication.

Panic attacks which stem from diagnosed medical problems can often be eliminated or at least controlled much better by the alteration of drug doses or substitution of drugs where possible. There are other changes that your doctor may ask you to make to help control medically related panic attacks also.

If your panic attacks do not have medical origins, then there is still hope. It is possible to control and potentially eliminate panic attacks via the usage of a psychological program. Panic Away is a program which is designed to stop the panic attack triggers. Even if you are not certain of every one of your triggers, it can help you because the program takes away the fear of more panic attacks. As anyone suffering these attacks knows, the fear of more attacks is often the worst part.

Since this is a program that makes sure to exert influence on only the areas of the brain that actually cause panic attacks, this is the most effective way to put a stop to these life damaging attacks. - 30535

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